Coiba dive charters since 2003

The ultimate scuba diving excursion destination for discoverers who want more – huge variety, larger schools,  bigger life.

Scuba Coiba Diving school of fish jacks

Scuba Coiba
DIVING Trips & Tours

For experienced, adventurous divers who want to explore a variety of Coiba's sites.

Dive & hotel Packages

Enjoy your time in between dives, on Panama's pacific coast in Santa Catalina.

Discover Scuba
& PADI Courses

Give Scuba a try or get qualified in one of the world's richest underwater environments.

The Team

Herbie Sunk
Founder & PADI Master Diver Trainer

German, English, Spanish
Diving Coiba since 2002

Corey Coates
PADI Master Diver Trainer

English, Spanish
Diving Coiba since 2014

Cynthia Campbell
PADI Master Diver Trainer

French, English, Spanish
Diving Coiba since 2017

Ben Harris
PADI Master Diver Trainer

English, Spanish
Diving Coiba since 2010


Imagine surfacing after an exhilarating dive with hammerhead sharks, only to be surrounded by the serene beauty of Coiba’s untouched waters. Each day offers a new thrill – from close encounters with massive schools of fish, to spotting a passing pod of dolphins, or hympback- and even rare killer whales between July and September. Experience the magic of pristine, less-traveled dive sites where nature and adventure come together in perfect harmony 

Coiba National Park

Coiba is the northern column of the huge Eastern Pacific Marine Corridor, which is formed also by Galapagos, Cocos, Malpelo and Gorgona. The park has the largest coral reef in the tropical Eastern Pacific, and 38 islands with white sand beaches, tropical forests and of course, a lot of life underwater. The dive spots  take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes to reach by boat from Santa Catalina, which is the only mainland port to access the sites within a day trip. 

Joining one of our Multi Day Scuba Diving Trips for EXPERIENCED DIVERS ONLY we stay either on private Simca island, 10 to 30 minutes from many dive sites or at a hostal up the coast in the fishing village of Pixvae, 20 to 50 minutes from most sites. From both places the more spectacular norhtern Contreras islands are only 20 to 40 minutes away

“Think of the amount of fish you have seen elsewhere and double it – think of the size of the fish you have seen and double it as well… that sums up the promise of diving Coiba” 

Diver Magazine

Eastern Pacific Corridor - The Shark Triangle

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